Troubleshooting Guide: Airdrop Not Working


If you own an Apple device, you may be familiar with Airdrop—a convenient feature that allows you to quickly and wirelessly transfer files between iOS and macOS devices. However, like any technology, Airdrop can sometimes encounter problems, leaving users frustrated and unable to transfer files seamlessly. In this article, we will address the common issues that can cause Airdrop not to work and provide solutions to get it back up and running smoothly.

1. Check Compatibility

The first thing you need to determine is whether your device is compatible with Airdrop. Airdrop requires specific hardware and software configurations to function correctly. Ensure that both the sending and receiving devices meet the compatibility requirements. Airdrop works on Macs with OS X Yosemite (version 10.10) or later and on iOS devices with iOS 7 or later. It’s also essential to ensure that both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are turned on for Airdrop to work properly.

2. Check Airdrop Settings

Next, check your Airdrop settings to ensure they are properly configured. Go to the Control Center on iOS devices or the Finder on Macs to access Airdrop settings. Make sure Airdrop is enabled and set to either ‘Contacts Only’ or ‘Everyone’ depending on your preference. If Airdrop is set to ‘Receiving Off,’ it will prevent Airdrop from functioning as expected.

3. Check Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Airdrop relies on both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for file transfers. If either one is not functioning correctly, Airdrop may not work. Ensure that both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned on and working on all devices involved in the transfer. Restarting the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your devices can often resolve connectivity issues.

4. Enable Visibility

For Airdrop to work, both the sending and receiving devices need to be visible to each other. If one of the devices is set to ‘Off’ or ‘Contacts Only’ in the Airdrop settings, it may prevent the transfer. Ensure that both devices have Airdrop visibility set to ‘Everyone’ or at least ‘Contacts Only’ if you only want to receive files from saved contacts.

5. Restart Devices

If Airdrop is still not working, try restarting all devices involved in the transfer. Restarting can often help resolve small software glitches or connectivity issues that may be preventing Airdrop from functioning correctly. After restarting, check if Airdrop is now working as expected.

6. Update Software

Outdated software can sometimes cause Airdrop to stop working. Ensure that all devices involved in the transfer have the latest software updates installed. Updating the software can address any bugs or compatibility issues that may be affecting Airdrop.

7. Disable Firewall or VPN

If you have enabled a firewall or VPN on your devices, they may interfere with Airdrop and prevent it from functioning correctly. Temporarily disable the firewall or VPN and check if Airdrop starts working. If it does, you may need to adjust the firewall or VPN settings to allow Airdrop connections.


Airdrop is a convenient feature that allows quick and hassle-free file transfers between Apple devices. However, if you’re experiencing issues with Airdrop not working, it can be a frustrating experience. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you can often identify and resolve the problems that are preventing Airdrop from functioning correctly. Remember, if all else fails, you can always reach out to Apple support for further assistance.